Power of wings of fire
Power of wings of fire

Arsen pulled in her wings and plummeted down onto the sands of the arena, showering sand over her talons. One young dragonet shrieked as the sun glinted off Arsens jeweled scales, " She's on FIRE!!!" Arsen did indeed look as if her body was flaming but she knew it was only the light reflecting off the rubies, diamonds and sapphires that were put in-between her scales. Arsen shot out fire while she spun in mid-air, all the Skywings watched in awe at the young princess. He finally understood what was happening, "Perhaps she is going to challenge you for the throne." He hissed through his teeth. I want every one to see me defeat my evil mother! "What is she doing here!?" Caracara hissed to her brother Goshawk, "I haven't a clue dear sister." His amber eyes following every move his niece made. "CARACARA!" Arsen swooped into the Skywing gladiator arena swinging her sleek powerful neck around to survey the scene. In one quick smooth motion Arsen snapped the feeble creatures neck, and left his small fragile body laying limply on the palace floor. "Sh-she's on her platform overlooking the arena!" The orange dragon whimpered pathetically. "WHERE IS SHE!!!" Arsen screeched in his ear. Caracara WILL pay!! The adviser tried to wriggle out of the princesses grasp, but failed miserably in the end. She will pay for what she has done to Harpy! She was only 8 not close to being ready to patrol on her own. When she turned the corner into another corridor she collided with one of the queens advisers, she automatically clamped her talons around his throat, " Where's my mother!?!" she hissed through her teeth. Princess Arsen stalked through the halls of the sky palace searching for her mother, Queen Caracara. "Mother let go of me, or I will have no choice but to end your rule of pain and suffering over the Skywing tribe." The older Skywing released her daughter but held her captive with her fearful gaze, "You would never be able to kill me in a duel for MY throne!" The queens expression changed from fearful to daring. Smoke came pouring out of the queens nostrils, wreathing around her horns. "You often forget that I am in charge here NOT YOU!" Arsen stood frozen, not in fear but in complete surprise, never had her mother been so aggressive with any of her children. "My beautiful little fire bug," The queen sprang off her throne and seized her eldest daughter by her throat. The queen was staring at her eldest daughter with nothing but boredom in her expression, She is not yet ready to be on her own while patrolling a very dangerous border outpost!!!" A 10 year old Arsen was yelling at her mother, Queen Caracara. THX :) "Mother, you said you would tell me the next time you sent Harpy out on patrol! I told you she isn't ready, she needs more training. I plan on writing more about these characters in the future. Then just like that, the hybrid quietly, almost peacefully, slipped away into a black void of nothingness.NO ONE may use the characters I created even if you ask permission from me Queen Arsen. A kind of deep, wonderful darkness cloud her consciousness, and she welcomed it warmly. The miserable cold was messing with her brain. We’re those wingbeats she could faintly hear? The sound of voices? No, she was losing it. Hover, head in the snow and body splayed out limply, closed her eyes. And here she was, pleading for death to come and take her away. Where was the bold, confident and strong dragoness she used to be? But nothing seemed more welcoming at the moment than an escape from this cold wasteland.ĭeath might be the only answer. Let me go I want to go please.” How weak she sounded. She stayed in spot for a few moments before sinking in to ground. Hover’s limbs were shaking so violently now that she couldn’t another step.

power of wings of fire

The pain and burning thirst of vengeance from her betrayal had kept her going for a long time, but her body had limitations, and with the lack of food, water, and strength, she had reached them. Her broken wings dragged along the snow uselessly and Hover tried to find shelter. Hover was so tired, so weak, so cold that it burned.

power of wings of fire

Cold fierce wing whipped around her and tugged at her numb tail. The pitiful orange scarf tied tightly around her neck did nothing, and even wearing her pair of goggles, Hover couldn’t see anything through the snow storm. It was the kind of cold that gripped her warmth mercilessly and sunk deep into her bones. She had no idea where she was going and had never been so cold in her life. Past the borders of the Ice Kingdom, a lone dragon trudged through the snow.

Power of wings of fire